Friday, November 14, 2008

So what does Rachel do in her spare time ?

Well , Rachel creates things.

I crocheted a hat with ear-flaps

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Portal to another world...

Dreams are something I have grown to know only to be another inspiration to my artwork. Most people forget their dreams before they even wake up the next morning. I seem to remember them so well that it's almost like a blur between reality. On some occasions I will wake up and try to look for what was in my dream that seemed so realistic. It's like a dream within a dream sequence.

As a child my dreams were more or less nightmares, but I never woke up from them. I would continue the dream until I would get killed in it. I always woke up before seeing the ending.
I had a continuing one of me being locked away and not able to be fast enough when I escape.

My dreams always see faces, of people I know and have never seen before also. My dreams have been about Stephen since we started dating. The only bad ones are when he is taken away by some other country of group and they prevent him from seeing me.
My mind never sleeps, if you look at my paintings and wonder why they are like that you can only ask the creator.. and even I only can tell you it's my mind doing the visions.

My random blabbing is over for now.

-Master of Random

> Work in progress painting of a dream

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Girls go to college to get more knowledge...

Why hello there!

Yes, I made it through my first day of college last Wednesday. Yes, I was lost like any freshman would be but I also knew a lot more than some of the people in my classes.All my classes are on the computer so It's not much different than I already am use to at home. I now owe over a thousand dollars to my grandparents.

I still can't believe a year ago I was ready to just give up. I wanted to drop out of high school (AGAIN!) and give up on my life. I was miserable , I did nothing but hide in my room. I did a complete 360 and I look back at how foolish I was. I am naive, I can't lie about that. All my life I always thought I would grow up and just get a job and be done with being me.

Oh , how I was wrong. I now see that I can accomplish things and make something of my socially awkward self. Self esteem is something I lack, for not having much encouragement from home I build a wall up around me. I said if I ever wanted to give up I'd say I was mentally insane and be locked away and at 16 I could not care less. I am slowing coming out of my shell but still I stand up a guard. On the computer I can speak my mind without worrying.

Ha, I ramble on with randomness.

- Rachel

Monday, August 25, 2008

Brains for lunch and liver for dinner...

Ramen noodles are something I always have around. my grandmother has these bowls with faces on them. There is a drunk one, a love struck one,a nervous one(shown in picture) and a happy one.

I thought this looked like his delicious brains.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It only comes once a year and seems just like the day before.

What am I babbling about ? Birthdays of course.

I just had my birthday in the recent past,and I turned 20.

I remember as a child staying up extra late (which when I was younger my bedtime was 9:30pm.) with anticipation for the day to come.It made you excited not only for the gifts but for the future.
My birthdays were not big, and I did not mind. I hardly had a social status that allowed me to invite friends over for parties, so it was perfect with the family. I use to sit and think "Wow, I am almost an adult and will be able to have parties and friends." I always thought being older was better. In ways it is, I have 100 percent more independence, but on the other hand I am not that naive child that believed everyone in the world was kind.
I see people now in my age how they really are. I am glad to know good people now, and I still try to help troubled people. When growing up I wanted to have a job helping people and expressing myself creatively. It's funny now I can say I am grown up, but I still have things to learn. College is something that was not pressured or encouraged in my family. I had a rough time growing up mentally, and my parents believed I was not cut out for a higher education whether I wanted it or not.
With now being an adult (only by numbers not always in maturity) I made my path a challenge by going to college . I know I have a talent, art. I wish to follow what I want for once and not sit back and be toyed with like a puppet.
So, here is to my twenties ! I know I will make something of it, and this year is the turning of a new leaf. I am no longer sitting back , I am taking control.

Your birthday comes once a year, but those years are part of your past and future.

- Rachel