Saturday, September 6, 2008

Girls go to college to get more knowledge...

Why hello there!

Yes, I made it through my first day of college last Wednesday. Yes, I was lost like any freshman would be but I also knew a lot more than some of the people in my classes.All my classes are on the computer so It's not much different than I already am use to at home. I now owe over a thousand dollars to my grandparents.

I still can't believe a year ago I was ready to just give up. I wanted to drop out of high school (AGAIN!) and give up on my life. I was miserable , I did nothing but hide in my room. I did a complete 360 and I look back at how foolish I was. I am naive, I can't lie about that. All my life I always thought I would grow up and just get a job and be done with being me.

Oh , how I was wrong. I now see that I can accomplish things and make something of my socially awkward self. Self esteem is something I lack, for not having much encouragement from home I build a wall up around me. I said if I ever wanted to give up I'd say I was mentally insane and be locked away and at 16 I could not care less. I am slowing coming out of my shell but still I stand up a guard. On the computer I can speak my mind without worrying.

Ha, I ramble on with randomness.

- Rachel